Tour-day 1 @ Hasenschaukel Hamburg
The tour begun with a trip to Hamburg, where the Lonesomes played a small venue in the St. Pauli district called Hasenschaukel.
Waiting for the tourbus which failed to arrive.

Cindy ended up buying bus tickets.

Pierre sitting at the Hasenschaukel before the show reading Douglas Coupland's Girlfriend in a Coma.
With rumours of the band's show spreading in the city, the Hamburg police was forced to show up in big numbers to control the big crowds who did not have place inside the sold out venue.
They also prohibited us from taking any pictures during the show. After the show the band went drinking with manager Adi Gelbart and singer Yonatan Gat who will be touring with them for the entire tour. Backstage pictures to follow soon!

Tomorrow Magdeburg...