Monday, January 23, 2006

Field recording day

Being always on the look for new sonic possibilities, the Lonesomes decided to try and incorporate field recordings into their new material. So Cindy and Anne packed the band's Grundig TK745 reel-to-reel tape recorder and took a train to the suburban town of Hönow.

At Alexanderplatz U-Bahn station


On the train. Cindy looks very concentrated. She's making sure they don't miss their station.


After arriving at Hönow they install the recording equipment on the station platform.


Here they are recording the sound of a riding train. How Jean Michel Jarre!


At the gate of the town's church.


Turns out a local highschool indy band was having a rehearsal inside. Sort of a christian Joy-Division with violin. The suburbs.


Anne got to play the church organ.


They were hoping to record cows (which is why they went to the countryside in the first place). But as it turns out, there are no cows in Hönow, so they ended up recording the sounds of the wilderness...


and of McDonald's.


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